Puppy Register
For long Haired
and Miniature Longhaired Club Members
The list below includes information of U.K Members of the Longhaired
Dachshund Club who have notified us that they have puppies/Older Dogs available. You will
need to contact the breeder direct to discuss your requirements. To our
knowledge the parents of the miniature long dachshunds, advertised on these
pages, have been DNA tested for PRA. However, enquirers should satisfy
themselves by asking to see the AHT Certificates. For information on PRA please
visit our health page. Please mention The Longhaired Dachshund Club when
contacting any of these Breeders.
Print Out Our Membership Form
If you wish to add puppies or Older dogs please send
details to

Miniature Longhaired Dachshunds
Breeder: |